Music & Islam: Abridged Version

***ABRIDGED VERSION***One of the most controversial and argument provoking issues amongst Muslims today is the issue of Music and Islam. In the often emotionally charged atmosphere over the “halal/haram” of music in Islam a clear definition of this word “Music” is rarely articulated. Before we delve into the details of the title of this article let us try to have an understanding of what we mean by “music”. Read More …

Culture, Identity and Islam Part 2

Part 2 With Shaykh Abdallah Adhami Shaykh Abdallah Adhami continues our discussion on Islam, Culture and Society. In this episode Shaykh Abdallah starts with an explanation of the word for poet in Arabic which is Sha’ir. He breaks down the roots that make up the word which according to the Shaykh would mean that the Read More …

Music And Islam: Wind, Strings And Fear of A Black Planet

There is a definition of music known as the Social Construct view. This view states that music is what people call music and it is dependent on time and culture. So what constitutes song and even dance today is not necessarily what would be recognized as such during the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. So when we talk about music being permissible we are not talking about the “music” of Britney Spears, Gangster Rap, or that which accompanies various forms of vice. Read More …

Muslim Hip-Hop, The Dawah Hope, The Reality and Changing The Game

Muslim Hip-Hop can flourish AND be a leader in Hip-Hop itself by “changing the game”. And changing the game doesn’t mean simply good intentions and good lyrics (that’s an important beginning of course). It means you change the game by taking the principles of Islam that are ALREADY PRESENT ANYWAY for our daily lives and apply them to your art form. Read More …